Not much has happened in the past week. Thursday I went into my internship at 4 a.m. to do a shoot. Anyway, later I went for a run and saw Hangover2 that evening. That was an interrresting movie and not a good gift idea for grandparents.
The shelf that I built - after screwing in two shelves upside down and one backwards.. |
Friday I was at my internship all day and then went to Cafe Eclectic & to see the show Ragtime at Playhouse with Elise! It was pretty good but also fairly long and I have the bedtime of a Grandma with 4 cats (as opposed to the night owl grandma that only has 2). .>I was going to find a picture of a cat to put here but I'm too lazy.
Saturday - Gracie, Nat and I met up at 9:00 Bikram, went to brunch and then spent the rest of the day exploring downtown and attending "Blacksmith Day" at the International Metal Museum. I hadn't been to the museum in over 8 years and was very surprised it was the international museum but Gracie and Natalie pointed out they doubted there were many metal museums in the world so my idea that this particular museum was superior was slightly off base. There was a lovely exhibit of guns and another neat display of knives. That night I went to Sunset Symphony by the river at Tom Lee Park. That was pretty fun - there was a couple getting way too frisky standing right in front of my chair though so every time I was trying to look at the stage, I got a lovely view of the man's hands in places where they shouldn't have been. I was sitting with my mom, our family friends and their two 6 year old twin girls and I felt like it was a sight young children should not be witnessing. I mean, I felt too young to be seeing this and I'm pretty sure the grandfather sitting behind me felt he was too young to be watching as well. The concert was great, the band that played after the symphony went too long, but the fireworks afterwards were awesome and it was all worth it. We came with two musicians in the symphony so we parked literally behind the stage and it took FOREVER to get out after the show was over. We were probably just sitting still in the line for about 45 minutes. At one point, a guy walked by the car carrying a case of beer and dropped one so I got out of the car and rescued the lonesome can. Then I went home and ate expired nutella.
puppies? |
Art |
"Puppies for sale" |
Walking around downtown |
guy playing accordian |
Then Gracie showed us the law firm downtown where she works |
not sure why but I liked this poster.. |
swanky decor |
Great view from one of the offices |
boardroom.. so official |
library.. so sophisticated.. |
Montage of Gracie |
still a montage of gracie at her desk |
still going.. |
making a fun face |
you thought it would be over by now... |
only a couple more.. |
congrats, you have reached the end |
law firm is in the same building as the Belz museum |
AH Maggie Moos.. so good |
Metal Museum.. yeah, not that impressive looking |
Metal flower |
Small child getting eaten by statue |
Blacksmith demo |
Nice view from gazebo overlooking the water |
Wedding @ metal museum |
Statues of metal takeout boxes.. |
Metal takeout boxes.. |
You open it up and it's a grill! |
This was a lovely piece |
Wow.. literally everything was made of metal.. |
Backstage at sunset symphony |
People gettiiin it next to me @ Sunset symphony |
Irene looking on at the happy couple disapprovingly |
I wasn't the only one who got a little bored after the band kkkkept playing... |
Mom laughing at people making faces about the people behind me... |
Some weird maneuver going on here |
Choc.vanilla swirl.. |
Sunday I went on a run, went to brunch at the Beauty shop (restaurant) and did who knows what else with my life.
Monday was a special memorial day bootcamp at 7 AM rather than 5:30. I went into the Racquet Club to do some work afterwards and then went on walk, and started reading the Davinci Code even though my mom told me it was a "beach read" insinuating that it was stupid but I felt like reading a book and it's the first one I found in the house and I remembered my dad suggested I read it. It was a pretty slow memorial day...capped off the evening with a cookout. I had lemon ice box pie for the first time, and I was surprised how good it was. The only type of pie or dessert I tend to eat is chocolate, because I feel like anything that has fruit in it is healthy and therefore won't quell my dessert needs. That sounded really high maintenance. At dinner, my mom informed us that in the morning she had gone out in our front yard to kick over the mushrooms and she had built up frustrations from the week so she took a running start for one that she said appeared to be some "exotic" yellow mushroom. Turned out it was just a normal mushroom with dog poop on top and she said it was as if it flew up into the air in slow motion before coming back down and landing all over her. She also made sure to let me know that she was listening to Lady Gaga on her Ipod at the time which made it that much more of a stranger experience. I'm not sure what i thought was more interesting - the fact that my mother (who shops at Chicos) was listening to Lady Gaga or that she had mistaken a pile of dog diarhea for an "exotic yellow mushroom."
Reading Davinci Code outside |
Tues I babysat and then went to Opera Memphis to help out with the Youth Symphony Gala. I was behind the bar until some big old man walked up and said "I just want to make sure the wine is not being handled by someone under age." Whatevs dude.. so I just stood at a distance and ate cookies and spent the night being totally unhelpful. It was fun... nobody really came to the event though (there were more fruit flies there than there were guests- take that as you so choose - that is either really pitiful or really gross or both) My sister Katie and her friend Laura handled the affairs of the bar while I filled up the vase we used as a water jug and stood there considering if it would be inappropriate to just fill up in the bathroom (we decided that would look bad so I walked to the kitchen even though tap is tap) My mom baked 240 brownies for the event and there were probably like 200 left so I sat at home figuring out how to distribute them while watching a show that really helps me think; the Simple Life with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richey. If I can't think of enough people to give brownies to, I could always build a brownie statue - I feel like that would be fun/gross/wasteful/awesome.
Opera Memphis - where the Youth Symph. gala was |
Laura and Katie prepping the sodas |
wine wine wine |
Not a very large crowd.. |
The vase that quickly became the water jar |
Whoever brought these was confused that it was night time |
There was a whole breakfast pastry buffet.. Katie shouted "Where are the eggs.." |
Fried sushi |
Off brand soda...classy |
ILLEGAL. back away from the bar you child. |
I ordered a Turkey debit card to be festive/spirited since the turkey is the mascot of St. Mary's aka my alma mater. At the top of the card it says Turkeys: Preserve, hunt, share. ..Oh well, not exactly what I was going for. The fact that the money for the card when to save turkeys so there would be more to shoot is funny and ironic in a couple ways...
Wednesday I missed bootcamp because I felt so sick from eating 8 billion brownies the night before at the youth symphony thing. I dropped off 72 brownies at St. Mary's and brought 44 more into my internship. Then I left with the crew to head to Mississippi for a shoot. I was talking to a little girl when we were doing a shoot that afternoon at a farm and was asking her what all her silly bands were. She pulled off the first one and told me it was her favorite one, a praying person. It was an outdoor shoot and we were there from 9-5:30 so when I got home afterwards I pretty much had no energy. I ate a salmon burger and woke up on the couch 2 hours later with my hand in a bag of leftover brownies. It was a really lovely way to wake up.
In Mississippi.. the kids don't play in the sand-- |
They play in the corn.. |
This morning it seemed as if there was a party on the St. Mary's track. When I was leaving the track at 6:30 a.m. there were 9 other people walking/running around so I sort of felt like I was at a block party. I got home, had my first experience with greek yogurt, went to get my break light fixed, fell asleep for 3 hours and am now watching some unnamed Lifetime movie where a guy just got shot in the chest but now seems to be totally functioning. I just got off the phone with Kathryn B & it's her bday! woop woop - it's weird to not be around college friends every day. Anyway, now I am just hanging around before I leave to have lunch with Zuzanna.
I have decided my theme for the month of June is discipline - be that with eating healthy, exercising, cleaning, or doing anything else I say I'm going to do and than will probably put off. This leads me to carry out my next endeavor - finally learning how to unicycle. I will let you know how that one goes...